Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Items for Sale by Fred's Creative Woodworking

Magnetic Button Scissor Holder

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Magnetic Button Scissor Holder

Magnetic Button Scissor Holder

My Magnetic Button Scissor Holder is on steroids! It is the Barry Bonds of magnetic button scissor holders!

Ok, I don't really use steroids to make them but it may seem as if I do. They are constructed of a 2.75" (70 mm) diameter button turned from White Ash. In the back of the button, above the 4 thread holes is a powerful Rare Earth magnet that is the part that does the work. You hold it to your coat, blouse, shirt, etc. with a second backing Rare Earth magnet that is, again, very powerful. The combination of the two magnets makes the Magnetic Button Scissor Holder strong enough to hold a large pair of scissors (see my photo). It is doubtful that you will ever hold large scissors such as this with it but it shows how powerful the magnets are. I thread the button to give it an authentic look. I presently have several colors available for these buttons. In the photo below, starting with the yellow one and going clockwise, they are Yellow, Purple Purple 2, Oxblood, Deep Red, Black, Blue and the center one is Orange. I can also supply larger numbers (for guilds, etc.) at a discount price- ask about this.

If you have a color preference, please mention that in the comments section when you place your order. If you haven't requested a specific color I'll make the choice.

Button Scissor Holders $25 each
(includes wood button, an attached magnet and a second separate magnet).

CAUTION: The unit uses magnets for holding power. I can't make them without magnets. Consequently, if you have a pacemaker, please don't use these as it may adversely affect the pacemaker.




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Magnetic Button Scissor Holder